“Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny”

Charles Reade

Monday, June 27, 2011

Now that's the power of positive thinking!

When I was a young mother, having one baby after another, people would ask me "how are you going to pay for their college education? I very matter of factly answered "I'm not." I have to say it took a great deal of positive thinking(faith) to have 8 children in todays world. I believed that God wanted me to have all those children and that, if I did what He wanted me to do, He would provide the miracles, and he did.
Our oldest daughter, Renada, lived at home and went to community college and paid the old fashioned way, working and paying her way. She finally finished her associates degree this year after getting married and having 2 children. She had one unfinished class to take. The next oldest, Taerra, also lived at home to save money and went to VCU her first semester. Then we were inspired to move to the little city of Buena Vista, Va. where a new college had been open catering to the LDS community, Southern Virginia University. Taerra moved with us and transfered and worked her way through 31/2 years at SVU. She received several scholarships that made it affordable.
We opened our icecream parlor here and the whole family worked in it. Bekah had spent her first year out of highschool working for the family for no pay so she didn't have money for school. A wonderful and generous man came into our icecream parlor and met Bekah and inquired about school. When he heard what she was doing, he offered to pay for her education at SVU. He made the same offer to our son Nate the next year. This year Tori, who has been working for her father, for pay, and did not go to college her first year out of highschool, will be paying her own way through SVU aided by living at home and earning scholarships.
It never dawned on me that having a large family would cause a problem with them getting a college education.
Now that's the power of positive thinking!

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