“Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny”

Charles Reade

Monday, March 7, 2011

day 9

When I think about the times when I’ve had the best success with controling my thoughts and therefore my actions, it was always when I was focusing on true principles, like when I was taking a parenting class. We had just had a lesson on controlling anger and the point was illustrated with the question: why would a parent be more angry at a young child for spilling grape juice on a carpet rather than water? The reaction is a result of the parent putting more value on the carpet than on the child. If it had been water they might say, its okay it was just an accident, but the thought of the work and or expense of the grape juice stain might get taken out on the child. It was still an accident.

My husband and I have always fixed up houses. This particular house was a nightmare for me. It took a very long time to get any kind of descent living space finished in any part of the house. When I was finally able to get to the point were I could make a spot in the house a little more finished I was so excited! I had just finished putting a lovely all white wall paper on our newly finished foyer. As I was cleaning up and putting away my supplies my little two year old, in just minutes, somehow found a permanent black marker and proceeded to decorate the vast white space in front of her. I was so grateful that I had just had that lesson. I paused and thought about what a 2 year old would have been thinking. She literally didn’t know any better. I believe that because I stayed calm and used the opportunity to teach, that I was inspired with an idea of how to clean the marker off. It took work, but afterward, only I could tell where it had been.

I did what I had been teaching my little ones in a child’s song, “If your angry and you know it stop and think” (sung to the tune “If Your happy and You Know it“)


  1. Aunt Elaine!! Thank you so much for your blog. I love it, and I'm learning from it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I enjoyed your "addict" take on negative thinking. It made me wish there was a "Screaming Mothers Anonymous" group I could attend. Which of course brings me to this post. when I took a parenting institute class, I was a great parent, so patient and fun and loving. So how do I be a good parent when I'm not taking a class? Is that the question of the day or what?

  2. Thanks so much Heather. Knowing someone is reading my blog motivates me to write and is helping me stay the course. You are so right about being easier to be a good mom when your taking a class and its always on your mind.
    It really is essrntial to read and reread and keep a positive attitude so you can be directed by the spirit. You desire to do whats right and you will be blessed.
